Randy Stein – KL7TJZ
After high school I served in the US Navy for 6 years. After training, I served for 4 ½ years as a radio operator and technician onboard USS Tullibee (SSN-597), a submarine. After the Navy, I worked for 17 years at a local commercial two-way radio shop as a technician and service manager.
- I became a ham in 1982, having earned my Novice license with the call KA2TJZ. I have since upgraded to Technician, General and then Extra. I also hold the General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL). I spent some time in Fairbanks, Alaska a few years ago and changed my call to the current one, KL7TJZ.
- I have served as Treasurer, Vice President, President and Webmaster of the Schenectady Museum Amateur Radio Association (SMARA). I have also served as a Board Member, Treasurer and Vice President of the Troy Amateur Radio Association (TARA). I am currently President and Webmaster of that club.
- I stay active in many Amateur Radio activities and enjoy Field Day, helping with public service events and attending hamfests as well as teaching.